Proposal for an article to be published in the International Journal of Art and Design Education


Appendice: 1

Author Guidelines

Method for submission of material: All material should be sent to the principal editor to:

Dr Dennis Atkinson Chief Editor
Department of Educational Studies
Goldsmiths College
University of London
Lewisham Way
New Cross
SE14 6NW


Please submit material by one of the following methods. These are listed in their preferred order:

1.Text on disk or CD-ROM in Microsoft Word 5 or later version in either Macintosh or PC formats. Illustrations on disk or CD-ROM in PhotoShop as separate TIFF files scanned at 300dpi and not less than 7 cm in width. The computer files must be accompanied by two hard copies.

2.Text as above accompanied by illustrations in hard copy either as good quality black and white or colour photographs or transparencies. Please do not forget that the publisher cannot improve the quality of illustrations.

3.If it is not possible to submit material by either of the above methods, please contact the principal editor for further advice. Manuscripts and disks will not be returned to contributors.

The text & abstract

The text normally should be between 2000 and 5000 words, but preferably c. 3500 words. An abstract of 100 to 250 words must accompany each article. The text style for submission should be printed on one side of the paper, preferably in Times 12 point, double spaced with ample margins, and clearly show the title of the contribution, the name(s) of the author(s) and a full postal address for correspondence and offprints. All pages must be numbered, and footnotes to the text should be avoided.

Biographical note

Each author must include a brief biographical note of not more than 120 words, to include their present post and location, education and previous positions, recent publications, etc. and postal and email address.


Contributors should note that because the Journal is refereed, there is a delay between the acknowledgement of the receipt, and a decision to accept, reject, or specify amendments. All submissions are read by the editors, refereed by at l east one member of the Editorial Board, and/or an Overseas Consultantor an outside expert. Their views are considered by the Editorial Board, or when circumstances demand, by a delegated minority that meets more frequently. The principal editor is empowered to circumvent this procedure in the case of contributions that are particularly topical, meet the Editorial Board's general criteria, and seem likely to sustain diminished effectiveness if publication is delayed.

House style

In order to help consistency and minimise publication delays, authors are requested to follow the following guidelines:

1.English spelling conventions should be followed in the text (e.g. colour, centre, programme, etc.).
2. Do not use full stops in abbreviations - such as NSEAD, DfEE, JADE, etc - except in the common Latin abbreviations such as i.e., e.g. and etc.
3. Do not use apostrophes in plurals - the 1990s, GNVQs, GCSEs, etc.
4. Check the hyphenation of compound words is consistent, e.g. co-ordinators.
5. Do not use unnecessary capital letters. Words like government, art and design, head of art, do not need them. But a specific title, such as Rector of the Royal College of Art, does.
6. Do not underline any text. Only embolden or italicise text if there is a specific reason for it to be printed thus in the journal. This normally applies only to unusual words in languages other than English or, very occasionally, for additional stress.
7. Spell out numbers from one to ten. Use figures for numbers from 11 upward.
8. Use per cent in text and not the symbol % - but use % in tables.
9. Use single quotation marks (') for all quoted matter of a sentence or less, except for quotes within quotes, where double quotation marks (") should be used. Longer citations should be indented from the left margin and the opening and closing quotation marks omitted.
10. Endnotes should be used for all references (see section below for guidance on referencing style).


References should be kept to a practical minimum and should be indicated in the text by square bracketed Arabic numerals. The references should be numbered in sequential order as they first appear in the text and should be listed in full at the end of the paper. Please see the following:

1. Hamblen, K. (1992) Shifting Historical Interpretation, in Amburgy, P. et al [Eds] The History of Art Education: Proceedings from the Second Penn State Conference . The National Art Education Association, pp. 200-8

2. Seago, A. (1996) Burning the Box of Beautiful Things: The Development of a Postmodern Sensibility . Oxford University Press.

3. Denis, R. (1996) A Preliminary Survey of Drawing Manuals in Britain c. 1825-1875, Journal of Art & Design Education, Vol 15, No. 3, pp. 263-75.

4. Romans, M. (1998) Social, Political, Economic and Cultural Determinants in the History of Nineteenth Century Art and Design Education in Britain. PhD thesis. University of Central England.

5. Hamblen, K. op. cit , p. 202.

6. Ibid. pp. 204-8

Tables, illustrations and captions

Tables must be printed out on separate sheets and an indication given of their position in the text. Submission of a separate file of data values, without the table format, would be helpful in case of the need to re-draw tables. Tables must be listed by Roman numerals.

Captions to illustrations (Figures) should be printed on a separate sheet and listed by Arabic numerals. The preferred position of tables and figures should be indicated in the script.

Good quality and relevant illustrations are welcomed and may be submitted as 300dpi actual size TIFF files, slides, colour or black and white photographs of good contrast and definition.

Original works, excepting photographs, should not be submitted. All illustrations should be clearly labelled and numbered.

We are happy to publish artwork in colour in our online version of the journal issue in which an article appears. As such, authors must supply artwork in colour; otherwise it will be published online in black and white. It is also the responsibility of the author to ensure that any artwork obtained through a third party has been granted the necessary permissions for publication, both for print publication and for publication in colour online.


Responsibility for initial proofing rests with the author(s) but responsibility for final proofing rests with the editorial team. Authors' corrections to accepted texts should be kept to a strict minimum at proof stage: extensive alterations are not permitted. Prompt return of corrected proofs is essential.

Exclusive Licence Form

Authors will be required to sign an Exclusive Licence Form (ELF) for all papers accepted for publication. Signature of the ELF is a condition of publication and papers will not be passed to the publisher for production unless a signed form has been received. Please note that signature of the Exclusive Licence Form does not affect ownership of copyright in the material. (Government employees need to complete the Author Warranty sections, although copyright in such cases does not need to be assigned). After submission authors will retain the right to publish their paper in various media/circumstances (please see the form for further details). To assist authors an appropriate form will be supplied by the editorial office. Alternatively, authors may like to download a copy of the form from: here.


A free PDF offprint and one free issue of the journal will be supplied to the author (or the first named author, if several). Additional offprint copies may be ordered from the publishers at the author's expense. Orders should be placed at the initial proof stage prior to publication.

Books for Review

Should be addressed to:

The Reviews Editor
National Society for Education in Art & Design
The Gatehouse
Corsham Court
SN13 0BZ

Appendice: 2

Date: Mon, December 5, 2005 1:11 pm
To: "N.J Clarke"

Dear Naomi,
Here is my response below:

Q. How would you characterise your writing style in comparison to the publications?
The articles I have submitted to IJADE have generally been accepted with minimal revisions. Thus, I assume that my writing style is appropriate for the journal--with the exception perhaps of my American spellings. I hope this response is useful.

Mary Ann Stankiewicz

Mary Ann Stankiewicz, Ph.D.
Professor of Art Education
Past President, National Art Education Association

Professor in Charge of Art Education Program
The Pennsylvania State University
School of Visual Arts
207 Arts Cottage
University Park, PA 16802-1688
Phone: 814.863.7307 (voicemail for messages)
Fax: 814.863.8664
Email: HYPERLINK "javascript:void(0)"

Appendice: 3

I am a member of the editorial board so I regularly write for IJADE. I'm also a former editor of the journal so I'm perhaps not an average author in terms of your question. I've worked in art education for over 30 years so I think I have a feel for what the journal audience is like. I always try and write with secondary art teachers and PGCE students in mind. I like to think that my style is clear and simple, but it probably is less fluent than I like to think.

Original Message

Sent: 04 December 2005 16:50
To: "javascript:void(0)"
Subject: [Fwd: concerning ijade]

Appendice: 4

From: Keith Walker
Date: Tues, Demember 6, 2005

Hello Naomi

My collegue and I selected IJADE because it is in our opinion the leading research journal for art and design education practice in this country.

There is a growing interest in gallery education practice and this is reflected in the PGCE art and design course. We felt our work was worth sharing with the community IJADE serves which is broad ranging as i know you will appreciate.

Our writing style reflects established codes and conventions associated with case study practice. The intention wa sto draw extensively on trainee teachers responses and write in an accessible manner.






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