Emma Pascoe

My practice draws upon Plato’s philosophical ideas from Timaeous in which he equates the only five regular solids (the Platonic Solids) to the elements; Earth, Air, Fire & Water.  I seek to juxtapose the symbology of the geometric solids against the chaos of organic matter. My work explores the tension between contraries; the geometric and the organic, the serial and the unique, chaos and order.


I am fascinated by the richness of elemental materials and the different states and processes such materials are subjected to. I, like the alchemist, am experimenting with the transformation of matter through subjecting my work to real alchemical processes. This affects the work symbolically as well as shaping it aesthetically. It is through such processes that the work explores notions of destruction, regeneration, temporality and the ephemeral. Due to the organic nature of the materials, the works change from the moment they are created, addressing ideas of time, chance, growth and decay.


I see sculpture as a way of action. The performative element in my sculpture making does not differ from the work of the alchemist; I merely accelerate the transformation that is already present in nature.

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